Monday, February 17, 2014

1st Anniversary Trip

We are back from our trip to California and we had a blast! I had soo much fun with this guy. I think I'll keep him ;)

We went to Sonoma Valley, which was beautiful! Lots of wine drinking ensued. 

And we went to San Francisco.



We also spent some time visiting family. Isn't my aunt and uncle's house gorgeous?!

It'll be a while before we get the opportunity to do any serious traveling again, so I am super grateful for the wonderful memories we made on this trip. It feels like we are on the cusp of a new stage in our marriage (the saving money, starting a new business and focusing on goals stage), so I am excited to see what the next several months hold. Thanks for taking the time to stop by!


Monday, February 3, 2014

What's been going on

Hi everybody! Long time, no see. Lots has been going on, and most of it is related to home/house stuff, so I'm going to bring you guys up to speed!

Our 20 year old hot water heater bit the dust.

1. We had to get a new hot water heater.
Has this ever happened to you? It doesn't sound like that big of a deal, but once you experience it, its pretty crazy how much your life can be disturbed. Without hot water you can't shower (unless you want to freeze), you can't run your dishwasher, and you can only wash clothes on the cold cycle. And with all the crazy ice days we've had here in Houston, lots of businesses were running slower than usual. So we went about a week without hot water and had to go to other people's homes to borrow their showers. But, it's all fixed now, so no worries :)

2. We've had a little "critter" come to visit.
Back in December we noticed noises coming from our walls, indicating that some critters had moved in. So we hired this fancy rodent removal company to get rid of them and seal off our house to ensure that they wouldn't come back. Several weeks (and a ridiculous amount of money) later, everything was taken care of and we were supposed to be able to move on with our lives. Unfortunately, one of the critters was still in the house when they sealed it off, and it died in the wall. It started to stink. Really bad. So essentially, our master closet and bathroom were off limits (unless you wanted to subject yourself to the awful smell). So for the past two weeks we've been avoiding those rooms, showering upstairs, and doing absolutely no laundry (lest we be forced to enter our closet). So our house is a total wreck. But the smell is getting much better and things should be back to normal very soon. 

Last, but not least....

3. My family and I have started a home staging company!
We are very excited about this! We've been considering the idea of a family business for several months now and have been discussing options/strategies/etc. Within the past few weeks we have finalized our business plan and have officially opened our company, First Look Staging, based in Houston, Texas! We are still in the beginnings stages, however we are just about ready for our first client, and will be amping up our advertising very soon! If you or anybody you know is interested in staging their home for resale, we'd love to work with you! Visit our website for more information! You can also find us on Pinterest and on Instagram.

I promise to keep you guys up to date on the various adventures in our future! Next week, my hubby and I are off to California for a belated anniversary celebration! Lots of pictures to come :)

Have a great week!